for permanent make up
for permanent make up
Not enough customers?
Is it difficult to persuade even models for a free procedure?
It's about your
How you process it
How do you film your work
How well you can "saw reels"
It's all thanks to my content creation scheme!
I have 8 masters working in my studio. Each of them has a lot of Instagram clients*.
*Instagram is a social network banned in Russia
The most demanding customers still use the "forbidden".
And only by pumping your visual will you be able to gain a high-quality audience and paying customers.
That's not so.
Do you think there are no clients in insta* or Facebook?
The most demanding customers still use the "forbidden".

And only by pumping your visual will you be able to gain a high-quality audience and paying customers.
The base
I offer you a course consisting of 16 video lessons and 2 checklists, after which you will learn
  • Iphone settings

  • Where to buy equipment at the best price

  • How to arrange the light

  • Options for lighting schemes from budget to expensiv

  • How to make the most expensive picture at no extra cost

  • How to choose a color

  • How to quickly and deliciously remove your work in a limited time"
This is not just a theory, it is an extensive practical course.

  • How to properly treat the skin around the area of the lips or eyebrows, while not touching your work.

  • How to treat the skin on video
This course is designed for a master of any level. It will help to attract traffic and customers.
Reels and YT Shorts
  • What kind of reels do you need to shoot

  • How to make simple and complex riils that will attract the audience you need

  • Which applications and how to use
You can spend only 2 days learning and training a skill and very soon you will see the result
Any questions ?
write в WhatsApp
+7 981 903-09-77
200 Euro
access for 2 months
Any questions
пиши в WhatsApp
+7 981 903-09-77
200 Euro
access for 2 months